The Rotary Club 21 Nominations Committee is requesting nominations from the Rotary Club 21 membership to choose three (3) Directors for our Board of Directors and a Vice President.
From The Nominations Committee – October 26, 2023
The Rotary Club 21 Nominations Committee requests nominations from the Rotary Club 21 membership to choose three (3) Directors for our Board of Directors and a Vice President.
It is a high honor and privilege to be nominated for a leadership position within Rotary Club 21. The volunteer time, energy, and expertise that it takes to serve successfully is what has made our Club great. It also exemplifies the Service Above Self spirit of our members and leaders. Please take the time to review the qualified names and candidates below and consider nominating a member to a leadership role.
Key dates to remember -
October 12th – The Club 21 membership received notice of the formation of the Nominations Committee. The Club by-laws state that the President and the Immediate Past President form and shall select and appoint a Nominating Committee to be chaired by the Immediate Past President and consisting of three (3) members of the present Board of Directors, three (3) past presidents, three (3) current committee chairs, and three (3) at large members in good standing.
Here is a list of the members selected to serve on the Nominating Committee.
Amy Higgins (chair), Clark Brekke, Adam Brigham-Althoff, Christine Brischle, Mike Church, Carrie Funke, Louise Joss, Jackson Morgan, Julie Morin, Molly Pepper, Rick Repp, Dave Troyke, Kyle Weir,
October 26th – Club 21 membership is informed by the Nominating Committee that they are accepting Nominees. Members may submit nominations to the committee until the deadline of 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
November 16th – At the regular Rotary Club 21 meeting, the nominated Officers and Directors are presented to the membership.
December 7th - The Rotary Club 21 Annual Meeting, the membership will ratify the Nominees.
Nominating a Member for a Director or Officer Position
Any active member of Rotary Club 21, in good standing, can nominate a qualified member for Officer or Director. Qualified members for the Officer and Directors are listed below. Please contact Jenna Carroll (509-731-4289) or email ( the Rotary office with your nomination. The Nominations Committee will contact the proposed Nominee to confirm their willingness to serve in this leadership role.
Nominations for the Officer and Directors are due by no later than
5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
Qualifications for Officers & Directors
Officer Positions: President, President-Elect, and Vice President
The positions of President, President-Elect, and Vice President are each one (1) year terms.
A member must have served on the Board of Directors to be eligible for the position of President, President-Elect, or Vice President.
Director Positions: There are seven (7) Director positions. The Director positions are two (2) year terms. Half of these positions are elected each year (three positions one year and four the next). A member must have served as a Committee Chair or Co-Chair to be eligible for a Director position.
Vice President Position Policy
It is Club policy that the position of Vice President is the entry-level Officer position elected by the membership, with the understanding that the Vice President shall succeed to the position of President-Elect, and then to President over a three-year period.
Officer & Board Positions to be Filled for Rotary Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Vice-President – 1 year term
Three (3) Director positions – 2-year term
Members Eligible for Officers & Directors for Rotary Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Bridget Barrington, Nate Batson, Brian Behler, Kevin Berkompas, Lee Brown, Dan Cadagan, Shanna Cejka, Larry Coulson, Joy Drake, John Driscoll, Richard “Brook” H. Ellingwood, Manuel Hochheimer, Beth Hodgson, John Meekhof, Jason Miller, Karen Mobley, Brian Newberry, Ben Nielsen, Rick O’Connor, Tom Patrick, David Powers, Paul Read, Matt Sonderen, Larry Stanley, Cindy Guthrie Tripp, Dave Troyke, Edward L. Walker.
Alene Alexander-Scrudder, Rod Bacon, Chandi Banaranayka, Mark Barnes, Nate Batson*, Brian Behler*, Kevin Berkompas*, Neal Boling, Clark Brekke**, Lee Brown*, Joe Bruce**, Nadine Burgess, Dan Cadagan*, Shanna Cejka*, Eric Christiansen, Mike Church**, Robin Corkery, Larry Coulson*, Maggie Crawford**, Chad Dashiell, Dick Denenny*, Joy Drake*, John Driscoll*, Rick Eichstaedt, Todd Eklof, Brook Ellingwood*, Teddie Gibbon, Deb Harper**, Angelique Heinzen, Tim Henkel, Manuel Hochheimer*, Beth Hodgson*, Patrick Jones, Louise Joss*, Richard Kuhling**, Amanda Markley*, Jennifer McPherson, John Meekhof*, Barry Merrell, Kristine Meyer, A.T. Miller, Jason Miller*, Scott Millsap**, Karen Mobley*, Julie Morin, Brian Newberry*, Ben Nielsen*, Georgia Oxford, Lee Pennell, Molly Pepper, John Pilcher**, David Powers*, Lisa Price, Debra Rauen**, Paul Read*, Harley Reckord, Jack Reeves**, Marcus Riccelli, Josiah Roloff, Omar Sabouni, Matt Sonderen*, Mark Sonderen**, Larry Stanley*, Tom Stevenson, Tim Sweet, Greg Tenold, Jennifer Thompson*, Dave Troyke* Dave Van Hersett, Ed Walker*, PJ Watters**
Kyle Weir**
*Has previously served as Director
**Past President
**Past President
Remember: Please send your nominations by contacting Jenna Carroll (509-731-4289) or emailing (
Nominations are due by no later than
5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 5, 2023