October 23, 2014, starting at 1:44 PM, is a partial eclipse of the Sun. Please do not look directly at the Sun during an eclipse.

October 23, 2014 we will eclipse our previous weeks totals for the 2014 RCS campaign. The current total is over $47,000.

Eclipse  gum was distributed at the weekly Rotary Club 21 lunch to celebrate the partial solar eclipse. It is also a great reminder to help us eclipse our $100,000 RCS goal. 

If we surpass $100,000 dollars this year Kathy and I will host a Rotary Club 21 star party and children are invited. 

This event would take place at our home next summer when weather permits. 

Thank you so much to everyone that has already pledged and contributed to RCS.

Let's eclipse $100,000.



This is a photo of the eclipse taken from north of Reardan, October 23, 2014, 3:42 PM.

Joe Bruce

Rotary Club  21 Vice President