Rotary International's monthly theme for April is Maternal and Child Health! Maternal and Child Health Care is also recognized as one of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus.
Every day mothers risk their lives giving birth and millions of children die each year from treatable, preventable causes. According to the World Health Organization, at least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, Rotary provides immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improves access to essential medical services, and supports trained healthcare providers for mothers and their children.
Rotary’s projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of healthcare training programs. Projects to support mothers and children include mobile prenatal clinics, cancer screening, immunizations, and training on how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
For example, Nigeria averages only one physician for every 2,500 people and creative solutions are needed to expand healthcare reach. Rotary has several projects in Nigeria that use innovative integration of telehealth medicine to help those living in rural Nigeria. Brazil has experienced high infant mortality rates and several Rotary clubs partnered together to provide solutions. Several Rotary club partnerships led to an increase in resources for the incubators and access to neonatal intensive care units at the Dr. Leopoldo Bevilacqua Regional Hospital in Brazil’s Ribeira Valley. Thousands of Brazilian children are alive today because Rotary invested in these incubators.
And there are countless other stories around the world of the good Rotary is doing in maternal and child health. So be proud to be a Rotarian and know that thousands of mothers and children around the world are grateful for you!
And that’s today’s Rotary Minute!