2023 - 2024 Gene Bronson Award

The Gene Bronson award is given to a new Rotarian (who joined the club within this Rotary year) who has best-demonstrated Service Above Self in their first year with Rotary. 
2023 - 2024 Gene Bronson Award Jenna Carroll 2024-06-06 07:00:00Z 0

2023 - 2024 Fred K. Jones Award

Club 21’s Award for Rotarian of the Year. It represents the long-time commitment and support of our Club and Rotary at large. It’s given to a member of our club who best epitomizes Service Above Self and whose life personifies the Four Way Test.
2023 - 2024 Fred K. Jones Award Julie Kelsey 2024-05-30 07:00:00Z 0 Fred K. Jones Award

Proposed Dues Structure

Over the last several weeks, Our Budget Committee has been preparing to recommend a new budget for the upcoming year. This will be presented to club members at the beginning of our fiscal year in July.

Club 21 has not increased its dues in several years. The pandemic and declining membership led our board to hold off on any increases until absolutely needed. As our club is regaining it's strength and our expenses have climbed, we find it necessary to implement a slight increase in dues.
Proposed Dues Structure Rod Price 2024-05-09 07:00:00Z 0
2024 Slate of Officers Amy Higgins 2023-11-16 08:00:00Z 0
My Father's Diary of His 1st 30 Missions over Germany in a B-17 with Dave Van Hersett Dave Van Hersett 2023-11-16 08:00:00Z 0
A.o.K Award - Bridget Barrington Rod Price 2023-08-10 07:00:00Z 0
2022-23 Fred K. Jones Rotarian of the Year Jennifer Thompson 2023-06-22 07:00:00Z 0 Fred K. Jones Award
Rotary Minute June 22, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-06-22 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
2022-23 Gene Bronson Awardees 2023-06-15 07:00:00Z 0
Slides: United Way Update, Alice Families in Spokane County with John Dickson 2023-06-15 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Minute June 8, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-06-08 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute,Spokane Rotary Foundation
Rotary Minute May 25, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-05-25 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Meeting Invocation Maggie Crawford 2023-04-13 07:00:00Z 0 Invocation
Rotary Minute April 6, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-04-06 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute March 16, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-03-16 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute March 2, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-03-02 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute February 23, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-02-23 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute February 9, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-02-09 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute January 19, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-01-19 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute January 12, 2023 Kyle Weir 2023-01-12 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute December 15, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-12-15 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute December 8, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-12-08 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Venue Update 2022-12-01 08:00:00Z 0
2023 Officers & Directors Elections Jenna Carroll 2022-11-17 08:00:00Z 0
Rotary Minute November 17, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-11-17 08:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute November 3, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-11-03 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute October 27, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-09-22 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute September 22, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-09-22 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute September 15, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-09-15 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute September 8, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-09-08 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute September 1, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-09-01 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute August 25, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-08-25 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute August 18, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-08-18 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute August 4, 2022 Dave Troyke 2022-08-04 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute

Rotary Venue Update

President Higgins shares more information about the recent announcement that the Board of Directors is reviewing our weekly meeting venue options. 
Rotary Venue Update Amy Higgins 2022-08-01 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Minute August 11, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-07-28 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute Julye 28, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-07-28 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
2021 - 2022 Rotary Community Services Annual Report 2022-07-21 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary Minute: July 21, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-07-21 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
Rotary Minute: July 14, 2022 Kyle Weir 2022-07-14 07:00:00Z 0 Rotary Minute
2022 Fred K. Jones Rotarian of the Year 2022-07-07 07:00:00Z 0 Fred K. Jones Award

2022 Slate of Officers 

In accordance with the Rotary 21 bylaws, the Rotary Club 21 Nomination Committee presents the following nominees for the election at the Club 21 annual meeting to be held Thursday, December 16th, 2021, 12:00 PM. 
2022 Slate of Officers 2021-12-02 08:00:00Z 0


The Rotary Club 21 Nominations Committee is requesting nominations from the Rotary Club 21 membership to choose three (3) Directors to our Board of Directors and a Vice President. 
It is a high honor and privilege to be nominated to a leadership position within Rotary Club 21.  The volunteer time, energy, and expertise that it takes to serve successfully is what has made our Club great.  It also exemplifies the Service Above Self spirit of our members and leaders.  Please take the time to review the qualified names and candidates below and consider nominating a member to a leadership role
Rotary 21 Returns to In Person Meetings! 2021-06-18 07:00:00Z 0
Membership Tiers Gary Stokes 2021-01-09 08:00:00Z 0
Rotary Zoom Digital Backdrops 2020-12-04 08:00:00Z 0

2020 Nominations Committee

The Rotary Spokane Club 21 Nominations Committee has been busy working this fall to select the proposed slate of Nominees for the 2021 – 2022 Vice President and Four Directors positions.
2020 Nominations Committee 2020-11-16 08:00:00Z 0
Rotary Community Services 2020 Raffle & Auction! 2020-11-13 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary 21 donates $60,550 to Second Harvest Food Bank

Spokane Rotary 21 presented a $60,550 cash donation to Second Harvest of the Inland Northwest on Tuesday, September 22, 2020
A fundraising effort that began in April when many Inland Northwest residents experience COVID-related food insecurity – has resulted in a $60,550 cash donation to 2nd Harvest Food Bank.  
Rotary 21 donates $60,550 to Second Harvest Food Bank 2020-09-24 07:00:00Z 0
Club 21 Impact on Spokane 2020-08-10 07:00:00Z 0

Rota-ZOOM ZOOM-ry Membership Drive

It’s that special time of year where we dedicate this month to outstanding members of our community. One lucky new member who is invited to join our club will have their Rotary dues paid for their first Rotary year. 
Rota-ZOOM ZOOM-ry Membership Drive 2020-06-15 07:00:00Z 0

Support Our Veterans Committee Partners with Newby-ginnings!

story thumbnail


Welcome to 2020 and now is the time to renew or start your membership in Rotary Spokane Club 21. Club 21 has endless opportunities. With your help we will grow our club, resulting in even greater positive impacts on our Spokane community and world. 
Club 21 is considered by many the very epitome of a successful service club and of course, that is true.  We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our club.   
With the new Rotary year upon us, we have many club committees and Rotary Community Service committees.
These committees are dedicated to helping make membership happen but they cannot do it alone. Membership is the responsibility of every member of Rotary Club 21. If you know someone you think would make a wonderful Rotarian, start by just introducing them to the club and bring them to a meeting.  You will find helpful support from there. As you get further down the road, you can find the New Member Application by clicking HERE.


Support Our Veterans Committee Partners with Newby-ginnings! 2020-06-15 07:00:00Z 0

2019 - 2020 Nominating Committee

It is time again for our Nominating Committee to meet and choose three (3) new Directors for our Board of Directors and a Vice President. Here is the official notification.  Please CLICK HERE for more details about the Nominating Committee and process.
2019 - 2020 Nominating Committee 2019-10-28 07:00:00Z 0
Rotary International Convention Jenna Carroll 2019-07-12 07:00:00Z 0
Meeting Announcement: Rotary 21 General Membership 2019-06-07 07:00:00Z 0

Partners for Work Thank You

Thank You from the Partners for Work Committee

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Rotary Club 21’s Partners for Work Interview Event. It continues to be a success through the exceptional community partners in attendance. From the agencies to the interviewing companies, this event wouldn’t be possible without your cooperation.
Thank you to the participating agencies: Artisans, The Arc of Spokane, Goodwill, PACE, and Skils’kin.
Thank you to the hiring managers at: STCU, Prime Real Estate Group, MacKay Manufacturing, US District Court, Caterpillar, City of Spokane, Numerica Credit Union, Skils’kin, LIME, Stay Alfred, CHAS Health, INSHRM.
And a special thank you to all who participated in the networking social event to hear our guest speaker Melaina Cole, a Designed Instruction Teacher from Sacajawea Middle School, and enjoyed catering provided by Wild Sage.
Thank you again, and we’ll see you in October!
Partners for Work Thank You 2019-04-15 07:00:00Z 0

From the Podium

Matt Sonderen, Board member and Deb Harper, Club President each made an announcement regarding the finish of the investigatory process regarding complaints about political ads from the podium during the March 7, 2019, Rotary meeting. 
From the Podium Matt Sonderen 2019-03-07 08:00:00Z 0

2018 Limerick Contest Entries

2018 Limerick Contest Entries

The President’s Mystery Committee Is active in parts of the city You wouldn’t think grand. But poets can land Wherever the image is pretty.
- John Hancock
Mr. Stokes shaved his head on a whim Because his afro was getting quite thin When news breaks, he’ll fix it No fake news, he skips it And puts a big smile on our chins.
- Steve Schneider
2018 Rotary Limerick Winner
There once was a fellow named Paul Who thought it would be FAIR to all If the TRUTH could help build The GOODWILL that helps yield FRIENDSHIPS . . BENEFICIAL to all!
- George Lathrop
There once was a Rotary chap Who was meeting a friend at the tap They toasted Paul Harris And a makeup declareth Then parted with a tip of the cap.
- Debbie Rauen
Our bell rings to honor each native For feats rarely deemed exploitative. I’d rather a gong to move things along for speakers not ever creative.
- John Hancock
There was a lass from Boston Who bought her pearls from Austin's She was stung by a bee Ran into a tree But the pearls; she never lost them.
- Dan Austin
Rotary 21 meetings can be so formulaic That some might find them archaic But With podium, bell and gavel And microphones that travel They are all part of our rich mosaic.
- Gary Stokes
For the members of Club 21 The meetings each Thursday are fun But it goes without saying With all that clapping and praying The business of giving gets done.
- George Lathrop
Rotary lunch is outstanding. The fund drive is sometimes commanding. It’s really quite nice, They put things in the rice That help me digest the demanding.
- John Hancock
There was a young gal from Boston She drove a foreign car named Austin There was room for her ass And a gallon of gas Her pearls hung out and she lost um.
- Dan Austin
My diet’s reduced to a number. Before each Rotarian slumber, I wish it would stop! At 18 a pop That’s pretty expensive cucumber!
- John Hancock
Linda Davis, a beauty quite rare, Has wit and brains under that hair Her reports from the street Are always complete And news anchors just can't compare.
- Steve Schneider
Your sales are not very well trackin’? Your cash flow could use some more backin’? Bring ‘em to lunch! Who knows?, just a hunch. The orange rolls are really lip-smackin’!
- John Hancock
Rotary 21 is the best Thanks to the four way test Our membership strong Our history long And always better than the rest
- Gary Stokes
There was a gal know for Tom Foolery It was said to be all buffoonery When put to the test She could prank with the best She would wear only Austin's Jewelry
- Dan Austin
John Hancock's a man amongst men, Named after a patriot's pen But though we complain Name That Tune is his game His piano wins out in the end.
- Steve Schneider
I was told to drink beer and to write A limerick for all to delight Include Rotary for sure Our intentions are pure I love Club 21 with all o’ my might
- Julie Kelsey
There once was a very young rotarian Definitely not one of the centurians Because he was young His colleagues thought him high-strung But truly he was just very usurious.
- Coleen Quisenberry
There once was a guy name of John From the podium he’d go on and on About Club twenty-one And all that we’ve done Three cheers he didn’t make us all yawn!
- Julie Kelsey
Now a word from the “broad” on Broadway She writes a new limerick each day Rotary asked for 48 And 47 you may hate But one winner she’s sure to convey!
- Linda Safford
My Rotary Club's 4 Part Test, Plus fine food...good talk... all the rest. On Thursdays at noon, Except during June, When fishing's the thing I like best.
- John Hanock
Now a word from the “broad” on Broadway She writes a new limerick each day Rotary asked for 48 And 47 you may hate But one winner she’s sure to convey!
- Linda Safford
Each night we rarely are nervous. We live where no one will hurt us. So give what you can. Help all understand. Rotary is a place of service.
- Josh Quisenberry
Those pray-ers, they’re sometimes a bore. Sincere, without doubt, but what’s more, is most of the time at the scene of their crime the Lord’s listening outside the door.
- John Hancock
Before each Rotarian snooze, I listen to most of the news Of projects and chores Both in and outdoors Get busy! What is there to lose?
- John Hancock
For the members of Club 21 The meetings each Thursday are fun But it goes without saying With all that clapping and praying The business of giving gets done.
- George Lathrop
All members of Club twenty-one Our focus on growth has begun From the rooftops please shout Everything Rotary’s about Bring your guests and join in the fun!
- Julie Kelsey
My Grandma and all her dependents Had spurts of extreme independence. They called their own tune Every Thursday, at noon, ’Cause Grandpa had perfect attendance.
- John Hancock
Four way tester was O’Lester Walking his talk as a Jester. Rotary Elixir drank he First mixed by O’Harris aged over 100 years Year upon year bester n bester.
- Ira Amstadter
2018 Limerick Contest Entries 2018-03-16 07:00:00Z 0

St. Patrick's Day Limerick Contest!


St. Patrick's Day Limerick Contest!

Are your literary tendencies ignored by your family and friends?
Here’s your chance to show your chops.
Compete with your fellows for the best original Rotarian Limerick.
  • includes a rotary reference
  • 5 lines
  • some semblance of the traditional rhyme and meter
  • not obscene or disrespectful
Competitive factors:
  • Humor
  • Clever
  • the Rotary reference can be easily understood by most listeners
Win a small and laughable prize!
Winners selected at the March 15 lunch.
Deadline: March 8th, 5:00 P.M.
Email submissions to Jenna Carroll
St. Patrick's Day Limerick Contest! 2018-03-02 08:00:00Z 0

Purchase your Rotary Fish Today!

Want to put the name of a loved one on a fish in the NEW Rotary Fountain in Riverfront Park?

Club 21 can help!

Cost: $500 per fish or 3 for $1,000 ($200 to update a name on a fish)
Size limit: Up to 20 characters per fish. Example: John & Jane Johnson
Payment: Payable to RCS or Rotary Community Services
Mail to: Rotary Club 21, P.O. Box 1117, Spokane, WA 99210
Deadline: Fish orders need to be received and paid by Valentine’s Day.
Engraving will be completed in March 2018.
Fish are scheduled to be installed in April 2018.
Questions? Call Jenna at 509-534-8998 or PJ at 509-220-8357
Q. If the deadline is Valentine's Day, what’s the rush?
A. No rush. We are simply providing the pre-order opportunity so you can give someone a fish as a holiday gift, AND get a tax benefit. You will receive a charitable gift receipt for year-end tax purposes.
Q. What happens to all the fish plaques that were purchased when the fountain was first built?
A. They will be remade, so there is nothing you need to do, UNLESS you want to modify a name of a fish that you previously purchased. For example, if you had a fish before with the name of an unborn child, like Baby Wendle or Baby Walker, you can replace the name on your fish with an updated name for a $200 contribution.
Q. What If I can’t remember what names were on my first fish?
A. Club 21 will provide a list of names for your review in January.
Q. What if someone who is not a Rotarian wants to buy a fish?
A. Tell them to talk to a Club 21 Rotarian.
Q. Where do I pick up the fish so I can wrap it up and put under the Christmas tree?
A. The fish are simply recognition for your fully tax deductible charitable gift. To be clear, no one is ‘buying’ a fish. All the fish will be the property of Riverfront Park and no real fish will be harmed in this process.
Q. Does this count toward my RCS contribution?
A. No. This is completely separate from our annual RCS contributions that support our spending committees. Our annual RCS contributions are a commitment, whereas this is simply an additional opportunity to support the Club’s participation in the fountain that bears the Rotary name.
Q. Is the Club providing funding for the new fountain?
A. Yes, the club is giving $20,000 to the fountain renovation project from the reserve fund. When our Club raised funds for the original fountain, we also built the reserve fund to repair and maintain fish. All the original fish are being replaced with new fish that are ‘different.’ These new fish sales will generate funds for the ‘fish fund.’ The new fish will not need the same level of maintenance, so our Board has the option of reallocating those funds in the future for another special major Rotary project if the funds are no longer needed for fish repair. The Board is also making an effort to improve signage on a blank side of one of the pillars at the fountain to let the community know “what is Rotary” and the good of Rotary?
Purchase your Rotary Fish Today! 2017-12-09 08:00:00Z 0


Another successful Rotary Community Services campaign is almost in the books. 
If you haven't already contributed, please do so by CLICKING HERE!

RCS  is the annual campaign in which all Rotary 21 members agreed to participate.  This funds all our great work in the community and beyond and fuels the engine of one of the greatest service clubs in the world.   

A very sincere and gracious "thank you" to our contributors of record, when you see someone who has contributed already please be sure to give them a big, personal, Rotary thank you!

A final list will be published in late December.  Thank you all for your support! 

Dr. Deb Harper
Vice President
Spokane Rotary Club 21

Rotary Community Service Donors
as of 1/29/18

Alene Alexander-Scrudder
Joe Alleman
Jerry Altig
Ira Amstadter
Jim Armstrong
Dan Austin
Greer Gibson Bacon
Jeffrey Bair
Brooke  Baker Spink
Mark Barnes
Jeffrey Barton
Nathan Batson
Brian Behler
Kate Benson
Kevin Berkompas
Scott Bleeker
Burke Blevins
Neal Boling
Clark Brekke
Tana Brende
James Brinkman, M.D.
Leland Brown
Lisa Brown, PhD
Joe Bruce
Nadine Burgess
Michael Butler
Bruce Butterworth
Dan Cadagan III
Antony  Chiang
Pete Chichester
Darin Christensen
Eric Christiansen
Michael Church
Sara Clements-Sampson
Jon Cockerton
Robin Corkery
James Cortner
Lawrence Coulson
Elizabeth Cowles
Stacey Cowles
James Cowles
Margaret Crawford
Barbara Cruz
Mary Cullinan
Dan Curley
Alan Curryer
Michael Darrington
Chad Dashiell
Linda Davis
Richard Denenny
Patrick DeVries
Joy Drake
Gina Drummond
Douglas Durham
Hal Ebel
Todd Eklof
Brooks Ellingwood
Tim Engh
John Everett
Jason Farrow
Nancy Fike
Roger Flint
Michael Forness
Neal Fosseen, Jr.
Terry Fossum
Matthew Foust
Paul Fruci
Max Gallotti
Meagan Garrett
Joe Garst
Teddie Gibbon
Marty Gonzales
Loran Graham
Eric Green
Carlyle Griffin
Cindy Guthrie
Erica Hallock
John Hancock
Molly Harley
Deborah Harper
Angelique Heinzen
Mary Heitkemper
Tim Henkel
Cerina Henry
Amy Higgins
Manny Hochhmeier
Don Howell
Julie Humphreys
Jay Hunt
Brian Hunter D.V.M.
Murray  Huppin
Jerry Hynes
William Hyslop
Justin Jaffe
Scott Jones
Barry Jones
Patrick Jones
Sabrina  Jones-Schroeder
Lousie Joss
Peter Joss, DDS
James Kalamon
Irene Kay
Julie Kelsey
Nancy Ross Kennedy
James King
Shawn Kingsbury
Rik Kiszely
Liesel Kittlitz
David Kliewer
Kathy Kramer
Jake Krummel
Richard Kuhling
Greg Larratt
George  Lathrop
Janelle Lee
John Lee
Pierre Leimgruber
John Little, III, DDS
Angelo  Lombardo
Mark London
Pam Lund
Jonathan Mallahan
Bruce McEachran
Scott McGann
Brad McQuarrie
Steven Meek
John Meekhof
Karen Meier
Barry Merrell
Susan Meyer
Jason Miller
Jared Miller
Scott Millsap
Karen Mobley
Kahar Momand
Greg Montalbano
James Moore
John Morrow
Dennis Murphy
Philip Nelson
Erik Nelson
Brian Newberry
Bailee Neyland
Ben Nielsen
Paula Nordgaarden
Steven Nowland
Gloria Ochoa-Bruck
Richard O'Connor
Robert Ogden
Stefanie Page
William Papesh
Patricia                Partovi
Thomas Patrick
Chris Patterson
Fred Peck
Leland Pennell
Molly Pepper
Martin Phillips
John Pilcher
David Powers
Rod Price
Joshua Quisenberry
Debra Rauen
Paul Rayburn, Jr.
Paul Read
Harley Reckord
Shelley Redinger
Jack Reeves
Marcus Riccelli
Mary Ritter Heitkemper
Patrick Roewe
Josiah Roloff
Amber Ruff
Brooks Sackett
Linda Safford
Ken Sanders
Jahn Schmitz
Steven Schneider
Susan Senske-O'Neill
Sara Sexton-Johnson
Matthew Sonderen
Mark Sonderen
Spokane Sail & Power Squadron
Chuck Stadtmueller
Lawrence Stanley
Peter Stanton
Thomas Stebbins
Thomas Stevenson
Gary Stokes
Frank Storey
Jerry Storhaug
William Storms
Tom Stroeher
Marie Strohm
Stephens Taylor
Beck Taylor
Tyrus Tenold
Gregory Tenold
Thomas Thoen
Jennifer Thompson
Charley Tirrell
Homer Todd
Gregory Tripp
David Troyke
David Van Hersett
Paul Viren
Edward Walker
Pamela  Watters
John Weekes
Kurt Weigel
Kevin Weir
Kyle Weir
Chud Wendle
Jennifer West
Brendan Wiechert
Aaron Williams
Gerald Winkler
Larry Wiser
Sonny Wittkopp, Jr.
Kim Zentz
RCS NEARS MILESTONE 2017-12-08 08:00:00Z 0

RYLA Camp July 2-9, 2016

What:  RYLA Camp!  Applications are on the website!  Please consider nominating a deserving young adult in your community who would benefit from eight days of leadership training, fun and new friendships.  This is the ONLY program in Rotary that allows you to send your own family! 


Dates:  July 2-9, 2016


WhereCastlegar, B.C. at Selkirk Community College


Cost:  $600, or $650 after May 31.  Each club is encouraged to budget for and send two campers!  U.S. Clubs please send to Gail Greager/Tri Cities, and CA Clubs please send to Stacey & Mike Cassidy/Grand Forks.  Addresses are on the application on the district website. 


Questions?  Contact these District RYLA Committee members:  Dave Douglas/Nelson, Kevin Sharrai/Rathdrum, Bob Griffith/Creston, Debi Dockins/Pullman or Gail, Stacey or Mike.



Debi Dockins, RYLA Camp Director




RYLA Camp July 2-9, 2016 Cheryl Prueher 2016-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

New Member

Please welcome Alene Alexander-Scrudder to Rotary Club of Spokane #21!

Alene is the Executive Director of Embrace Washington, a nonprofit organization.  She is married to Houston Scrudder, and they have two adult children.  Alene serves as a board member of Safety Net, and she lists golf as something she enjoys doing.
New Member Cheryl Prueher 2016-01-25 00:00:00Z 0

RCS Campaign - Keeping Promises

Posted on Jan 17, 2016
Our 2015-2016 RCS Campaign, "Keeping Promises," is coming to a close on a very high note.
If you missed last week's meeting, you will be pleased to know that our campaign has raised over $117,000 and is still growing.  Add the amazing Spokane Rotary Foundation distributions, and the amount well exceeds $180,000.
Because of these historic financial results, we've been able to make additional funds available to our Spending Committees.  Please see your committee chairs for details.
All of this money is dedicated to those in need in the primary areas of international service:  youth, health care, disability support, education, and veterans.
This inspiring RCS campaign is just one of the many ways that Rotary 21 helps make our community and world a better place. 
Thank you all for joining in this effort.



John R. Pilcher

John R. Pilcher

Rotary 21 Vice President
Club 21 - Keeping Promises - RCS 2015



RCS Campaign - Keeping Promises 2016-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

Bozzi Media Best B2B Firms of 2015 (Tradeshow and Networking Event)

Posted by Meagan Garrett on Jan 17, 2016
Date:  Thursday, January 28, 2016
Time:  5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Place:  Bank of America Building (Lobby), 601 W. Riverside Ave., Spokane, WA
Rotary Club #21 has been selected as this year's highlighted nonprofit organization at the Bozzi Media Best B2B Firms of 2015.  It is a tradeshow and networking event held on a single night, celebrating the best Spokane Business has to offer.  Rotary #21 will have a booth at the event, where our Membership Development and Communications Committees will be able to engage with Spokane's best in business, to help them understand the importance of Rotary in our local community and encourage them to be a part of the amazing work Rotary does both locally and internationally.  We would love to see a HUGE Club #21 presence at the event, supporting our booth and engaging with the community.
Bozzi Media Best B2B Firms of 2015 (Tradeshow and Networking Event) Meagan Garrett 2016-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

Friendship Exchange Opportunity - Act Now!


Dear Rotarians of District 5080,


Please find an application form by clicking the "Read More" link to be part of a Rotary Friendship Exchange to D1700 in France (Andorra, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrenees) 

The outbound portion of this exchange will take place APRIL 25 - MAY 8, 2016. 


My contact in this district has supplied the following initial information about this exchange:

His  proposals are;
Fly into and out of Toulouse airport

3 days - Perpignan "Doyen"

3 days - Toulouse

3 days - Cahors

3 days - Balma and Tournefille

 Please be aware that plans do change and this may not be an exact itinerary.


Applications for this exchange will open on July 3rd and close on July 17th

Successful applicants' Rotary Clubs should be willing to host the inbound team from France who will most likely be coming between August 22 - September 9, 2016.







Brenda Balahura
Chair, RFE Committee
District 5080
Friendship Exchange Opportunity - Act Now! 2015-07-13 00:00:00Z 0
Partners For Work - Current Staff Resume Suzy Greenwood 2015-05-12 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Celebrates "An Evening With Rick King"

We have the amazing opportunity to host Past Rotary International President Rick King in February.  This is a District-wide event you will not want to miss!  Rick is noted as an inspirational and entertaining speaker.  If you are in Spokane on February 26th, plan to join us for this exciting evening.

"An Evening with Rick King"
February 26th, 2015
No Host Reception....5:30 p.m.  Dinner Seating 6:15 p.m.
Place:  Red Lion Inn at the Park

Also entertaining us that evening will be Spokane Youth Jazz Orchestra 
Colors will be presented by the U.S. Navy Cadet Corp/U.S. Navy League Cadet Corp
Centerpieces designed by Spokane Falls Community College Floral Department and
Spokane Community College Culinary Arts Students


Paid Reservations are $50 per person

Please make your reservations by no later than February 16th. 

(Checks and Credit Cards accepted.  Please make your reservations now by contacting Suzy at the Rotary office, 534-8998, or  Checks should be made payable to Rotary Club of Spokane. 
Please send to: 7 South Howard, Suite 420, Spokane, WA  99201.)


Rotary Celebrates "An Evening With Rick King" 2014-12-02 00:00:00Z 0

Submitting A Grant Application

If you wish to submit a grant application, please determine from which committee you will be applying for funds.  Once you have determined the correct committee:  Youth Services or Disability Services please click on the name of that committee and you will be taken to the appropriate page which gives you instructions, guidelines and further information to apply.
Please note our new mailing address, effective 08/25/16:  PO Box 1117, Spokane, WA 99210.
Submitting A Grant Application Cheryl Prueher 2013-09-05 00:00:00Z 0

RI - Freedom Through Mobility


Bringing freedom through mobility

Physically disabled people in Mexico often face discrimination and find it difficult to be productive members of society. Rotary members in Mexico and the United States have teamed up with Autonomy, Liberation Through Movement to provide vocational training, encouragement, and equipment. 

Click Here for this and many more Rotary stories




RI - Freedom Through Mobility Suzy Greenwood 0

IT'S TIME TO TWEET 21! @spokanerotary21

It's time to Tweet 21! @spokanerotary21

Rotary Club of Spokane #21 has enhanced its communication with a Twitter account!  Follow us now @spokanerotary21 and join the conversation!  #tweet21  Patrick Roewe is our Twitter Master.


IT'S TIME TO TWEET 21! @spokanerotary21 Cheryl Prueher 0

Stars are Born as Club 21 Says "We are This Close" - Joins Worlds's Biggest Commercial

For most of us, the disease of polio is a distant memory, and for the younger generations, a disease of the past.  But if you’ve ever met someone who has suffered from this crippling and often fatal infectious disease and heard their story, then you know of its devastation.  Many of us saw the effects of polio first hand when Rameesh Farris spoke to us last year.  He crawled across the room to the stage before telling us the story of how he contracted polio and was crippled for life.

In 1985, Rotary launched its PolioPlus program to eradicate polio.  Since then, we have helped reduce the number of annual cases from 350,000 to fewer than 250 and will stay on this commitment until every child is safe from the disease.  Rotary has contributed more than $1.2 billion, and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 2 billion children in 122 countries.

The world is now 99 percent polio free.  We are closer than ever.  But, the fight isn’t over yet!  For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected against the virus for life.  If we don’t finish the fight, more than 10 million children under the age of five could be paralyzed by polio in the next 40 years.

Rotary Club 21 is helping to get the word out!  Members became stars on October 24th as they joined the World's Biggest Commercial …Rotary’s “We are this close” campaign.  President Church and Rotarian Greg Montalbano loaded you to the live site right after the meeting!  Visit the “End Polio Now” site at and it can be found by entering "Michael Church" or "Club 21 Spokane", or just look below!



Stars are Born as Club 21 Says "We are This Close" - Joins Worlds's Biggest Commercial Cheryl Prueher 0

Team 21 Supports HUB Sports!


Front Row, Left to Right: Steve Schneider, Mike Church, Linda Davis, Rick O'Connor, Greg Montalbano, Joe Bruce  Back Row, Left to Right:  Greg Larratt, Jason Farrow, Darin Christensen, KC Constable.  Team 21 rocks!

Team 21 Supports HUB Sports! Cheryl Prueher 0
Rotary 21 assists Spokane Rotaract with Centennial Trail cleanup! Suzy Greenwood 0

Peace Corps and Rotary International Sign Letter of Collaboration

We are pleased to announce that the Peace Corps and Rotary International have signed a letter of collaboration to promote our shared missions of service and sustainable community development. Founded in 1905, Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Their work improves lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. Rotary also builds peace and international understanding through education, humanitarian service, and by connecting young leaders.

Much like Peace Corps Volunteers, Rotarians are attuned to their communities’ needs. Our organizations operate not only in many of the same countries, but also in many of the same communities. The Peace Corps and Rotary families often overlap. There are many Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the Rotarian community and, likewise, many Rotarians become Peace Corps Volunteers. 

Under this new strategic partnership, our organizations will explore collaboration initially in three countries: Philippines, Thailand, and Togo. Among various activities, Peace Corps posts can encourage Volunteers to collaborate with local Rotary clubs, while Rotary clubs can work with Peace Corps posts to provide small grants to Volunteers and their communities through the Peace Corps Partnership Program. By exploring new ways of working together, our organizations hope to realize administrative efficiencies and achieve greater development impact.

Our partnership provides not only for collaboration overseas, but also in the United States. The Peace Corps looks forward to working with Rotary to recruit Americans into Peace Corps service, and to advance the Third Goal of sharing the world with our fellow Americans. Together, we can inspire volunteerism and service across the country and around the world.  

To learn more, please read the letter of collaboration or visit the Rotary International partnership page on the Intranet. We encourage posts outside of the three focus countries that are interested in working with Rotary to contact Dilana Martinez in the Office of Strategic Partnerships at

Peace Corps and Rotary International Sign Letter of Collaboration Suzy Greenwood 0

Partners For Work - Success Story

Posted by Suzy Greenwood

PFW Success!!!

Our own Partner's for Work staff member, Robert Campbell, has landed a job!  He started working at Prohibition Gastropub on N. Monroe on Saturday, November 14th.  Robert's last meeting with us will be Thursday, November 19th.  Please take an opportunity to congratulate Robert on this achievement and thank him for his service to our club.

Congratulations, Robert!



Partners For Work - Success Story Suzy Greenwood 0

Youth Exchange Changes Lives

Posted by Suzy Greenwood

Spend a little time with our Youth Exchange students, Leonardo and Eros, and you will soon see we live in a very small world!  Invite them to join you for dinner, or on a family outing.  You will enjoy getting to know these delightful young men!  Give Ira a call to set up the plans.   Remember-   it is a shared club effort to expand their experiences and expose them to American culture.  Invite them today!   Ira @ 701 0226.


Youth Exchange Changes Lives Suzy Greenwood 0

Reach for the Stars with RCS 2014-2015

Posted by Suzy Greenwood

Click here to get your RCS Contribution Card and REACH FOR THE STARS!  Return the completed form to Suzy at the Rotary office, 7 S. Howard, Ste. 420, Spokane, WA  99201.  If you prefer to scan and email the form, send to  Thank you for sharing your heart and your treasure with those in need.  Need is prove that kindness and compassion are as well.  The stars are twinkling a little brighter today  because of you!


Reach for the Stars with RCS 2014-2015 Suzy Greenwood 0

Rotary Club 21 Helps Make A Difference In Romania

Posted by Joe Franklin Bruce

Transitions Gate was founded in 2007 by Nancy Mortlock, a Spokane Nurse and recipient of Rotary Club 21's International Service Committee funds. In this video you will hear in Nancy's own words about the work of Transitions Gate and how Rotary Club 21 RCS dollars made a difference. Click on the YouTube link below to view the video.

Reach for the Stars and please give to the 2014 RCS campaign. Through your contributions, Rotary Club 21 touches lives in our community and around the world.

Thank you.

Joe Bruce

Rotary Club 21 Vice President

Rotary Club 21 Helps Make A Difference In Romania Joe Franklin Bruce 0

Let's Eclipse Our Previous RCS Totals

Posted by Joe Franklin Bruce

October 23, 2014, starting at 1:44 PM, is a partial eclipse of the Sun. Please do not look directly at the Sun during an eclipse.

October 23, 2014 we will eclipse our previous weeks totals for the 2014 RCS campaign. The current total is over $47,000.

Eclipse  gum was distributed at the weekly Rotary Club 21 lunch to celebrate the partial solar eclipse. It is also a great reminder to help us eclipse our $100,000 RCS goal. 

If we surpass $100,000 dollars this year Kathy and I will host a Rotary Club 21 star party and children are invited. 

This event would take place at our home next summer when weather permits. 

Thank you so much to everyone that has already pledged and contributed to RCS.

Let's eclipse $100,000.



This is a photo of the eclipse taken from north of Reardan, October 23, 2014, 3:42 PM.

Joe Bruce

Rotary Club  21 Vice President

Let's Eclipse Our Previous RCS Totals Joe Franklin Bruce 0
Leonardo and Eros Enjoy First Thanksgiving with Club 21 Suzy Greenwood 0

Rotary Club 21 RCS Dollars At Work, Again!

Posted by Joe Franklin Bruce

Rotary Club 21 RCS dollars are at work again at the Guilds' School. Read about Club 21 helping with an iPad for a special little girl, Kathryn, in The November Guilds' School Vision newsletter.

You can go to pages 4 and 5 to read the story.

Please get your RCS pledge cards into the Rotary office so we can continue reaching out to these stars like little Kathryn.

Thank you.

Joe Bruce

Rotary Club 21 RCS Chairperson


Rotary Club 21 RCS Dollars At Work, Again! Joe Franklin Bruce 0
Looking for Ambassadors for to Represent Rotary - High School Exchange Students Suzy Greenwood 0

Governor Inslee Visits Club 21

Posted by Suzy Greenwood

Rotary Club of Spokane #21 had the distinct honor of hosting Washington Governor Jay Inslee at the June 5th, 2014 meeting.  Following tradition, the incumbent Governor addressed a full room of Rotarians and guests.  Trudi Inslee accompanied the Governor for this event.


President Mike Church and Governor Jay Inslee


Gov. Inslee presents award to our own Bill Chaves!


Gov. Inslee thinks things over as he speaks with Mac Kosinski and guest.


Also joining us for the day, one of our own and one of our favorites...Representative Kevin Parker.

Governor Inslee Visits Club 21 Suzy Greenwood 0
Rotary District Spring Tour 2013 - Amstadters with our Exchange Students Suzy Greenwood 0